Consultation Responses

IR Society responses to regulatory updates

IR Society News Consultation Responses Policy & Positions 18 July, 2022

Society responds on UK Transition Plan proposals

The IR Society responded to the UK’s Transition Plan Taskforce’s call for evidence, supporting the sector-neutral approach and calling for transition plan disclosure requirements to be high level and principles-based, to be underpinned by more detailed non-mandatory guidance (including practical examples). Metrics should be included in such non-mandatory guidance, to give companies the flexibility to determine their own data points / Key Performance Indicators for how they measure progress. The Society called for flexibility around the location of transition plan disclosures, provided the core information is still required to be included within the annual report and accounts, and suggested that any transition plan requirements should recognise that reporting entities may not to be able to obtain data relating to energy usage and emissions from entities in the value chain that are beyond the reporting entity’s control.

Consultation Responses 16 June, 2022

SEC Climate-Related Disclosures

The IR Society has today responded to the SEC consultation on proposed climate-related disclosures, calling on the SEC to allow the use of the ISSB climate standard to meet the requirements of the SEC’s proposed rule for foreign issuers such as Form 20-F filers and companies with ADRs (American Depositary Receipts). This would be especially beneficial for those whose home market is likely to require the ISSB standards (like the UK), as it would avoid the need for duplicative reporting.

Consultation Responses 20 October, 2021

FCA Consultation: Diversity and inclusion on company boards and executive committees

IR Society response to CP21/24 ‘Diversity and inclusion on company boards and executive committees’

IR Society News Consultation Responses 13 July, 2021

BEIS Consultation on ‘Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance’

The IR Society response to the BEIS Consultation on 'Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance'

Consultation Responses 2 April, 2019

Proposed Revisions to the UK Stewardship Code

The IR Society response to the FRC's consultation on Proposed Revisions to the UK Stewardship Code

Consultation Responses 28 February, 2018

Proposed Revisions to the UK Corporate Governance Code.

The IR Society response to the FRC's Proposed Revisions to the UK Corporate Governance Code.

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