Diploma in IR

The Diploma in Investor Relations (DipIR®) is the IR Society’s senior level qualification. Developed by expert IR practitioners and educational organisations, the Diploma examines candidates on their understanding and practical application of the skills, tools and expertise needed to become leaders in our profession. The DipIR is open to IROs and IR Advisers

Please email tara.mitchell@irsociety.org.uk for an Information Pack.     

What should Diploma candidates demonstrate   

In particular it is looking for candidates to demonstrate the following:

  1. A good level of knowledge and experience of investor relations including a strong grasp of key practical and theoretical aspects to the profession, and a clear understanding of the ethical and best practice approaches to key issues
  2. A breadth of knowledge of current topics and issues facing the profession, and an ability to place an issue in its wider context, including the legal and regulatory framework currently in force within the UK listed company sector
  3. An ability to communicate confidently and effectively in both written and oral formats, and handle a Q&A discussion on a chosen topic

The DipIR is a natural progression for those who have previously taken the Certificate in IR (CIR®) and have subsequently built up at least 5 years’ experience in IR or a related field.

On successful completion of the qualification, candidates will receive a certificate and are entitled to put DipIR® after their name. This shows that an individual has demonstrated sufficient experience and understanding of the IR profession to undertake a senior role, whether in-house as a corporate IRO, or as a trusted adviser or service provider to the industry.

As with the CIR, the Diploma in IR sits under the auspices of the IR Society’s Examination committee.

Who should consider the Diploma?

The DipIR is open to IROs and IR Advisers. In 2021, we made the DipIR more relevant for IR Advisers, recognising the attraction of the qualification to experienced advisers as well as in-house IROs.  Each candidate will be considered on their own merits and prior experience. In general, however, it is expected that Diploma candidates will be members of the IR Society, will have successfully completed the IR Society’s Certificate in Investor Relations (CIR®) qualification, and will have a minimum of five years’ experience in IR or a related profession.

Find out more

For more information please see below the 2023 Diploma in IR Information pack, or to request an application form please contact:

Tara Mitchell
Professional Development Executive

Download 2023 Diploma in IR Information Pack