IR Society issues Best Practice Guidelines 2024

As the market and technology evolves and investor demographics and expectations change, the Best Practice Committee refines these guidelines so that they continue to be an ongoing tool to help Investor Relations Officers tackle new challenges and improve their current skills.

This guide brings together the IR Society’s views on the key topics of relevance to our profession. Key updates made this year include:

  • Navigating AI: A guide on how to approach and manage Artificial Intelligence in IR.
  • ESG Investor Engagement: A new section dedicated to effective ESG engagement strategies.
  • Further guidance on retail IR and debt IR.
  • Enhanced focus on Private Company IR strategies.
  • Sustainability Reporting Regulation Chart: Your go-to resource for staying ahead in sustainability reporting.

The guidelines have also been reformatted into HTML, making them much more accessible and easy to navigate.

Members can access them here: Best practice guidelines - Investor Relations Society (

Published 31 January, 2024