Submit a white paper

There is a charge of £500 + VAT to post a white paper on the IR Society website. Please complete the form below so that we can post your white paper in the IR Resources section on the IR Society website.

If you have any questions at all please contact Robert Dann at

Fields marked * are required

Contact details (not published)
Company details

Appears at the bottom of your white paper page

Can include company name, contact name, email address, phone number, URL

White paper details

This appears on the main white paper page as an overview of the white paper

This can be more in-depth and will appear on the dedicated page for your white paper

Most white papers will remain live on the website for 12 months – if you would like yours to be removed sooner please specify the remove by date

Include your white paper in the Knowledge Bank

We would also like to include your white paper in the Knowledge Bank, a categorised online resource in the Member’s section of our website. If you are happy for us to include your white paper in the Knowledge Bank please indicate below which topic areas your white paper covers:


The publication fee is £500 + VAT.

Our preferred method for payment is BACS transfer, but we do accept credit or debit cards.

Terms and conditions