CDR Annual IR Survey: Effective IR strategies for a post-Covid world

Citigate Dewe Rogerson has been investigating trends in investor relations since 2008, providing insight into how companies have adapted to both major crises and more subtle changes in their market environments. Our 13th Annual IR Survey reveals how IROs from 250 leading companies across 49 countries around the world are evolving their IR strategies for a post-Covid world and responding to the growing stakeholder demand for ESG data.

Download CDR Annual IR Survey: Effective IR strategies for a post-Covid world

Our findings show that 8 out of 10 companies have less than 10% of their management remuneration linked to ESG performance, indicating a significant lack of executive management and board accountability for non-financial performance, despite an exponential rise in focus on ESG strategy in corporate communications. While the number of boards with a dedicated Sustainability Committee has risen substantially, 72% of boards still do not have social or environmental issues as a standing agenda item at their meetings. This may be a consequence of many companies remaining light on relevant ESG experience at board level. The Survey also shows Covid-19 continuing to drive changes to financial reporting and investor engagement despite signs of recovery across the globe.

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Citigate Dewe Rogerson is one of the most respected names in financial communications. We are experts in our fields, combining the expertise of bankers, fund managers, in-house investor relations, former journalists and creative communication professionals as well as sector and transaction specialists. We serve over 500 clients from new start-ups to some of the world’s largest listed companies, governments and other organisations. Our dedicated investor relations practice has a 30-year track record in advising boards, senior executives and IROs worldwide, building their profiles amongst the investment community and nurturing their relationships with key decision makers.

Contact Details:

Sandra Novakov
Head of Investor Relations
Citigate Dewe Rogerson
+44 (0)7748 794 395

Published 29 November, 2021