IR Script Writing for Management Presentations

This interactive half-day course will help you improve the quality and effectiveness of your script writing for results, CMDs and other IR presentations. It equips delegates with writing tools, techniques and considerations to ensure scripted investor communications are clear, efficient and authoritative. Course attendees will critique existing scripts and prepare a draft script to put the course content into practice.


Who should attend?


  • Those who write or review scripts for senior management for investor and analysts presentations.


What will I gain?


  • Tips and techniques to produce accurate, effective and polished IR presentations
  • The necessary skills to deliver clear scripted investor communications and ensure your management teams are presented at their best


When and where is this course running?


IR Script Writing for Management Presentations is running on the below dates. If you cannot attend any of the below training dates or your preferred modality is not yet scheduled, please do 'Register Interest' in the course. 

We are in the process of finalising the next date for this course

If you would like to register your interest for a future course please register your interest below. A member of the Professional Development team to contact you when a course date is arranged. If you would like further information on the content of this course please contact

Register interest