Blogs and opinion pieces from the IR Society and its members
Blogs 25 July, 2019
Five things to know and do on ESG
The practicalities of dealing with ESG issues can be a headache. Here Kirsty Collins gives the benefit of her IRO experience to outline the five top tips that IR professionals should heed.
Blogs 22 July, 2019
New opportunities as the world moves towards sustainable technologies
Climate change is rising up the corporate agenda and the policy and practical implications need to be urgently assessed, says Stephen Cheetham. The IR community has a vital role to play in this.
Blogs 18 July, 2019
Employee welfare: practice what you preach before it is too late
Employees are often told how much they are valued, but this view does not usually come across in the annual report. Will Rowlands-Rees argues that IROs should address this issue urgently.
IR Society News Blogs 1 May, 2019
Get the recognition you deserve by entering the IR Society Best Practice Awards
Rachel Price, IR Society Best Practice Committee member highlights what judges are looking for in one of the Society's Best Practice Awards, 'Most effective overall communication of company investment proposition.'
Blogs 24 April, 2019
MiFID II – what next ?
Michael Hufton looks ahead to the FCA’s Thematic Review into MiFID II, including predictions, early results, and advice for IROs.
Blogs 23 April, 2019
Informed interview: A changing climate for investor relations
Companies will be acutely aware that investors’ interest in climate change is increasing. Notably, it is increasing at a pace faster than the annual reporting cycle. For many companies, the ‘let’s see how it goes this year and do something next year’ response is not a viable option. So, Informed asked Mike Tyrrell, the editor of SRI-CONNECT, to interview James Hulse – an expert in climate change investment issues – and identify the best ways for companies to respond.
Blogs 2 April, 2019
Best Practice Awards: Best IR relating to a Corporate Transaction
Claire Lavery, Executive Director, Europe & Asia at Rivel Research Group shares her thoughts on the new award 'Best IR relating to a Corporate Transaction', what to look out for and what a simple and effective process it is to enter this year's awards.
Blogs 28 March, 2019
Best Practice Awards: Delivering a consistent and holistic approach to ESG reporting
Nick Rose, Head of Reporting Communications at FleishmanHillard Fishburn and member of the IR Society's Best Practice Committee, shares his thoughts on the 'Best Communication of ESG' award, what to look out for and why you should be entering.
Blogs 21 March, 2019
Launch of IR Society Best Practice Awards - Influencing improvements in investor relations practice
Sallie Pilot, Chair of the IR Society Best Practice Committee shares her thoughts on best practice and why you should enter this year’s awards.
Blogs 11 January, 2019
A best practice business model for annual reports
Many business models miss the mark, as the FRC Financial Reporting Lab confirms. James Houston suggests how to develop useful models.
Blogs 10 January, 2019
Optimising your company website for investors
The corporate website provides a real opportunity to ensure that the investment case is well understood and IR is visible. Sonya Ghobrial analyses FTSE 100 websites to identify impactful ideas.
Blogs 9 January, 2019
The future of investor relations – ‘the silent disrupter’?
Recent changes to the financial markets are having a knock-on effect for investor relations. Keilah Codd discusses the changing talent pool, and encourages members’ collaboration to develop IROs of tomorrow.
Blogs 8 January, 2019
AGM season is fast approaching – being well prepared will pay dividends
In the run up to Christmas, it feels like AGM season is a long way away. Here Ross Hawley relays the voice of the IR Society policy committee by providing useful advice for those wishing to get ahead of the calendar.
IR Society News Blogs 5 November, 2018
Making sense of MiFID II: An interview with Laura Hayter
Laura Hayter of the IR Society offers some practical advice on how companies can make sense of MiFID II
Blogs 5 November, 2018
ESG reporting should be the norm not the exception
There are many good reasons for companies, both small and large, to improve their ESG reporting practices – not least being financial and commercial benefits, says Nick Rose.
Blogs 1 November, 2018
All things small and beautiful…
The problems for IROs in the small-cap sector have grown under MiFID II, but there are opportunities for these companies in a creative and systemic approach to IR, suggests Richard Davies.
Blogs 31 October, 2018
Momentum broking – the importance of not getting lost between deals
Beyond fundraising, a proactive small cap broker plays an invaluable role in broadening the investor audience, and driving liquidity, writes Derren Nathan.
Blogs 29 October, 2018
Smaller companies and the changing face of the private investor
Private investors may be overlooked by large companies, but the small-cap sector can meet their needs in a rapidly-evolving market, writes Amanda Taylor.
Blogs 23 October, 2018
When having a specialist in IR can help small caps
Tish Crawford Jones talks to two experienced capital markets and IR professionals about the challenges facing small-cap IROs.
Blogs 26 July, 2018
Rewarding best practice in investor relations
As entries close for the IR Society’s 2018 Best Practice Awards, attention turns to the 20 November awards dinner. Sallie Pilot sets the scene.