Industry News

IR Society News Industry News 27 April, 2021

IR Society 2021 Best Practice Awards entries open today

The IR Society, the UK’s professional body for investor relations practitioners, today launches its 21st Annual Best Practice Awards (the ‘Awards’).

IR Society News Industry News 22 April, 2021

Conference Plenary Session Update - Adjusting IR strategy to build corporate resilience

Earlier this week we announced details for one of our plenary sessions at our 2021 Annual Conference and Festival of IR, which will take place from Monday 14th June – Friday 18th June. We're continuing to announce speakers and the other sessions, so please keep any eye out on our conference microsite for more details.

Industry News 15 April, 2021

ISS releases 2021 meeting season preview and 2020 review

Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS), one of the leading proxy advisory firms, released its UK 2021 Meeting Season Preview and 2020 Review (‘the Report’) on 6 April. Key themes contained in the Report include:

Industry News 15 April, 2021

FRC moves to becoming ARGA

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) announced on 8 April its 2021/22 strategy plans that will see it move towards becoming the new Audit, Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA). Its outlined strategy follows the government’s proposals for “restoring trust” in audit and corporate governance, which in part includes the creation of a new statutory regulator to replace the FRC.

Industry News 8 April, 2021

Corporate reporting – BEIS consultation on climate-related disclosures

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has launched a consultation on mandatory climate-related disclosures by publicly quoted companies, large private companies and limited liability partnerships (LLPs). This was anticipated and is part of a gradual shift which moves increasingly towards consideration of a broader group of corporate stakeholders, greater transparency and, increasingly, embracing sustainability.

Industry News 8 April, 2021

Covid-19 – end of certain relaxations for companies

Many companies took advantage of various relaxations afforded to them by the government during the pandemic. Some of the relaxations, which were introduced to help companies with administrative issues, are no longer available.

Industry News 8 April, 2021

IR Society Annual Conference – Sir Anthony Habgood confirmed as keynote speaker

The IR Society’s Annual Conference and Festival of IR will take place from Monday 14th June – Friday 18th June.

Industry News 1 April, 2021

Green Alliance report advises UK to halve resource consumption

The Green Alliance, a charity ‘focused on ambitious leadership for the environment’, released its latest report on 29 March, advising that the UK needs to reconsider its resources and waste strategy and focus on halving its resource consumption.

Industry News 25 March, 2021

IFRS – Working group to accelerate convergence in global sustainability reporting standards focused

The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation announced on 22 March 2021 the formation of a working group to accelerate convergence in global sustainability reporting standards focused on enterprise value and to undertake technical preparation for a potential international sustainability reporting standards board under the governance of the IFRS Foundation.

Industry News 18 March, 2021

ISS releases annual report on top governance and stewardship issues

Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS), one of the leading proxy advisory firms, has released its annual outlook report entitled Top Governance & Stewardship Issues in 2021 (‘the Report’). Consistent with ISS’s core focus, the target audience for the Report is the institutional investment community. However, the findings contained therein are likely to be of interest and relevance to corporate boards, IROs and their advisors.

Industry News 18 March, 2021

Consultation on wide-ranging reforms to modernise the UK’s audit and corporate governance regime

18 March 2021 - The government has today announced major new reforms to the UK’s audit regime with the aims of safeguarding British jobs, avoiding company failures and reinforcing the UK’s reputation as a world-leading destination for investment. To improve corporate transparency and strengthen the UK’s position as a world-class destination for investors, the government is launching a consultation on wide-ranging reforms to modernise the country’s audit and corporate governance regime, targeting the UK’s biggest businesses and ensuring markets work effectively.

Industry News 8 March, 2021

International Women’s Day Interview with CEO, Laura Hayter

Some of the female IR Society team members wanted to mark International Women's Day 2021 by interviewing our CEO Laura Hayter.

Industry News Blogs 3 March, 2021

Report on the UK Listing Review, chaired by Lord Hill

The UK Listing Review, led by Lord Hill, and launched by Chancellor Rishi Sunak in November 2020 was released on Wednesday 3 March 2021. This forms part of the Chancellor’s plan to strengthen the UK’s position as a world-leading financial centre.

IR Society News Industry News 11 June, 2020

Save the Date! IR Society Virtual Annual Conference – Tuesday 29th September, 2020

In the IR Society’s 40th year, and as companies navigate through these incredibly turbulent and uncertain times, we celebrate the pivotal and increasingly strategic role that IR plays within organisations and how it will be influenced by the current crisis. Alongside keynote addresses, our sessions will look at key themes and mega trends, ESG and stewardship and how to shape your IR programme in a post-COVID world.

IR Society News Industry News Blogs 21 April, 2020

It’s not binary: acceleration of the trend to digital

These extraordinary times are also proving exceptionally busy for IR. Looking across all corporates on the ingage platform, which includes some 15% of FTSE 100 companies, the total number of investor engagements actually grew by 1.5% year-on-year in March 2020 - but with 55% of those meetings conducted remotely compared to 18% in the same period last year.

Industry News 27 March, 2020

FCA, FRC and PRA joint statement on Covid-19 – Our summary

The FCA, FRC and PRA announced on 26 March 2020 a series of actions in a joint statement to ensure that information continues to flow to investors and to support the continued functioning of the UK’s capital markets.

IR Society News Industry News 13 March, 2020

Coronavirus update

The IR Society is closely monitoring developments and government advice around the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Maintaining the safety of our employees and members is our highest priority, alongside our ability to continue supporting your needs with a minimal level of disruption during this period of uncertainty. As such we have implemented the following near-term preventative measures to ensure business continuity

Industry News Blogs 14 November, 2019

Key takeaways from The IR Society Breakfast: Activism

We were delighted to be hosted by Georgeson on Wednesday this week for a breakfast panel and Q&A session on Activism. The event was moderated by Anthony Kluk, Head of the Nordic region at Georgeson, with Nick de Bunsen, Director at Teneo, and Michael Henson, an independent investor relations consultant, contributing to an active and informative discussion as guest speakers. Key takeaways were as follows:

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