Event Spaces
This page shows all the companies in the directory who provide this service, listed in random order.
London Stock Exchange
Located opposite St Paul’s Cathedral, in the heart of The City, London Stock Exchange Group’s headquarters offers a unique event space for hosting results presentations, investor days, roadshows or client entertaining.
- A–Z
- Annual reports
- Board advisory
- Campaigns
- Company secretarial services
- Corporate access
- Corporate branding
- Corporate broking
- CRM databases
- Debt IR
- Depositary receipts services
- Digital platforms
- Equity Research
- ESG advisory
- Event Spaces
- Executive search
- Financial PR
- Internet services
- Investor analytics
- Investor presentations
- Investor Relations
- Investor targeting and roadshows
- IR consultancy
- IR for small caps
- IR Strategy
- Mobile technology
- News providers
- Perception studies
- Proxy advisors and corporate support
- Publications
- Registrars
- Share register analysis
- Social Media
- Sponsored research
- Strategic Communications
- Trend Following Research
- UK regulatory disclosure
- Video
- Webcasting
- Website development