Open Exchange

Open Exchange

When meetings matter, OpenExchange delivers.

OpenExchange is chosen by the most demanding industries in the world as their virtual communications partner. We make virtual and hybrid meetings & events work, regardless of technology, complexity, location, or time of day. Our global team of skilled professionals, combined with advanced technology and fastidious planning results in unmatched satisfaction.

Experience the Distinction of Professionally Managed Virtual and Hybrid Meetings & Events

Service, collaboration, and expertise are the cornerstones of our client partnerships. Your dedicated team of an account manager, project manager, technology specialists, and support resources handle the tough parts of your event so you can focus on your message.

  • Dedicated end-to-end project planning and management
  • Technology selection and configuration
  • Registration coordination
  • Attendee check-in, movement between sessions, and tracking
  • Continuous monitoring by expert technical specialists
  • Real-time issue detection and resolution with proprietary technology

To learn more, visit

Services: Corporate access, Digital platforms, Investor presentations, Video, Webcasting

Christian Bones

Global Director of Corporate Sales