Trend Intelligence
Trend Intelligence is the world’s only dedicated provider of trend-following price and sentiment research. At Trend we devote ourselves to removing market noise and complexity. Our mission is to empower globally minded corporations to better understand financial markets and make their greatest decisions. We do this by analyzing and visualizing price trends using leading statistical indicators.
Trend-following is an investment style that is over a century old, and by all accounts is the most objective lens for which to look at a company’s stock price. Trend-following is unique in that it doesn’t require any interpretation of headlines or economic information. Instead, the style applies pure mathematical models to asset prices. This simplicity makes it incredibly popular with institutional investors.
For an IRO, access to trend-following research on their own company stock issue can be a significant and differentiating advantage - as it allows expectations about the company’s share price future are made much clearer. Trend Intelligence does not charge clients for the first month of its subscription service and is cancellable at any time.
Trend’s sample reports and resources can be viewed here
Services: Quantitative Research
- A–Z
- Annual reports
- Board advisory
- Campaigns
- Company secretarial services
- Corporate access
- Corporate branding
- Corporate broking
- CRM databases
- Debt IR
- Depositary receipts services
- Digital platforms
- Equity Research
- ESG advisory
- Event Spaces
- Executive search
- Financial PR
- Internet services
- Investor analytics
- Investor presentations
- Investor Relations
- Investor targeting and roadshows
- IR consultancy
- IR for small caps
- IR Strategy
- Mobile technology
- News providers
- Perception studies
- Proxy advisors and corporate support
- Publications
- Quantitative Research
- Registrars
- Share register analysis
- Social Media
- Sponsored research
- Strategic Communications
- UK regulatory disclosure
- Video
- Webcasting
- Website development