IR Society News Consultation Responses Policy & Positions 30 June, 2023

Society responds to the FCA Listing Rule Proposals in CP23/10

In this IR Society response, which draws on the findings from recent IRO member research on the FCA's proposed changes to the Listing Rules and on current levels of investment research in the UK, the Society was generally supportive of the proposed reforms given most IRO respondents thought the FCA proposals would reduce regulatory barriers for companies and bolster UK competitiveness. However, the Society highlights concern that a lack of shareholder approvals for major transactions could lead to significant legal and advisory costs in the early days, until a more streamlined approach based on successful transactions establishes best practice, and that a generous transition period could be needed for current standard listings to allow them to comply with the more onerous ‘single category’ continuing obligations. The Society also mentions that liquidity, depth of markets, and comparable peers are thought of by IRO respondents as the most important factors in deciding where to list the proposals, with regulation and valuations also seen as significant factors. The response also highlights some more significant issues that the Society believes may also influence the attractiveness and competitiveness of the London markets, including the UK market’s sensitivity to Directors' remuneration and compensation structures, the quality and timeliness of Investment Research, the need to encourage funds flow into UK asset managers, the suggestion of establishing a framework that better enables companies to identify all short-sellers so that they can engage with them (if they wish), and the UK’s overlapping disclosure and filing obligations which could benefit from being streamlined and simplified.

IR Society News Consultation Responses Policy & Positions 30 June, 2023

Society responds to the ESG data and ratings HM Treasury Consultation

In this IR Society response, which draws on the findings from recent IRO member research on ESG data and ratings, which underline the importance of ESG ratings to corporates, illustrate a level of dissatisfaction with the quality of engagement between companies and ratings agencies, and indicate strong support for their regulation (90% of respondent IROs think they should be regulated by the FCA). The response also: • recommends that the UK regime is based on recommendations from IOSCO, to avoid regulatory arbitrage across jurisdictions; • calls for consistency and harmonisation with overseas equivalent regulations eg the EU’s recently published Proposal for regulating ESG ratings providers; and • recommends an appropriate transitional period, a phased approach so that smaller agencies have a longer transition period and an ongoing initial ‘start up’ period for new providers.

IR Society News 30 June, 2023

The IR Society announces appointments of new Chair and Deputy Chairs

The Investor Relations Society (the Society) is pleased to announce that Douglas Radcliffe, Group Investor Relations Director at Lloyds Banking Group and former Deputy Chair of the Society has assumed the role of Chair

IR Society News Research & Surveys 14 June, 2023

Findings from 2023 Society IRO Survey on ESG Data and Ratings

Recent survey of IRO members provides insight into their experiences with ESG data and ratings agencies.

IR Society News Industry News 5 May, 2023

Signalling sustainability amidst uncertainty

Katya Gorbatiouk of the London Stock Exchange outlines her thoughts on the direction of travel for sustainability communications, the key areas where transparency is expected by capital providers and the implications for the mission-critical role of the IR function.

IR Society News Industry News 3 May, 2023

IR Society 2023 Best Practice Awards entries open today

The IR Society, the UK’s professional body for investor relations practitioners, today launches its 23rd Annual Best Practice Awards (the ‘Awards’).

IR Society News Consultation Responses Policy & Positions 24 April, 2023

Society responds to the Review of Investment Research

The IR Society response to this call for evidence indicates that it will be conducting some further member research on current levels of coverage, and also refers to our 2021 MIFID II survey that illustrated the impact on sell-side coverage and quality, the reduced role of corporate broking services and the significant increase in direct interaction between IR departments and investors which has ensued.

Consultation Responses 24 April, 2023

Society responds to the Review of Investment Research

The IR Society response to this call for evidence indicates that it will be conducting some further member research on current levels of coverage, and also refers to our 2021 MIFID II survey that illustrated the impact on sell-side coverage and quality, the reduced role of corporate broking services and the significant increase in direct interaction between IR departments and investors which has ensued.

Informed 3 April, 2023

Informed 118 – Spring 2023

The Spring 2023 issue of Informed comprises 16 articles on a feature titled 'The evolution of IR' and also celebrates 2,000 CIR passes.

Blogs 8 March, 2023

International Women’s Day 2023: Interview with Bethany Barnes

Bethany speaks about her IR career across various companies and who has influenced her most.

Blogs 8 March, 2023

International Women’s Day 2023: Interview with Amie Gramlick

Amie talks about her unusual career move into the IRO industry – and what challenges she faced.

Blogs 8 March, 2023

International Women’s Day 2023: Interview with Sonya Ghobrial

Sonya talks about her IR career and recent role working on Haleon's IPO.

Blogs 8 March, 2023

International Women’s Day 2023: Interview with Sandra Moura

An interview with Sandra Moura about her IR career and influences.

IR Society News Consultation Responses Policy & Positions 28 February, 2023

Society responds on the proposed UK Transition Plan disclosure framework

The IR Society response supports the proposals but calls for more flexibility in the way transition plans are published so that companies are permitted to include them in their annual report or other relevant reports (eg sustainability or climate reports), instead of being required to publish them as standalone reports.

17 February, 2023

The latest Investor demands ahead of 2023 AGMs

Environmental concerns remain a hot topic in the annual 'Dear Chairperson' letters from Aviva and LAPF Forum, with the IA's IVIS turning up the heat on gender diversity.

IR Society News Consultation Responses 9 February, 2023

Society responds to the FRC Audit Committee Standards

The IR Society response to the FRC seeking liaison to help shape the upcoming reforms aimed at increasing shareholder engagement with audit and risk.

13 January, 2023

IR Society Conference 2023: Introducing our Conference Host

As we continue to work on plans for this year's annual conference, we are delighted to announce our conference host, Evan Davis.

Informed 20 December, 2022

Informed 117 – Winter 2022/23

The Winter 2022/23 issue of Informed covered the annual Best Practice Awards and dinner, and also contained a feature on the 'G' in ESG.

Industry News 14 December, 2022

FCA Primary Market Bulletin 42

The FCA's latest Primary Market Bulletin looks at Climate-related financial disclosures, UK MAR and its interaction with the Listing Rules and the UK's M&A approvals regime, recent 'unlawful disclosure' enforcement, SPACs and reverse takeovers, Structured digital reporting, and the UK Short Selling Regulation.

Members' News 13 December, 2022

Inside the Mind of Investors - Dec 2022 - Edison Group

While investors’ adrenaline levels are still running high, an increasing number are finding strategies to move beyond the bear market. Effective investor relations rely on having deep insight into what investors are thinking. So every month Edison brings you Inside the Mind of Investors.

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