Capital Access Group

Capital Access Group

As the UK's leading specialist IR advisor, we help improve our clients' share price performance by assisting IR teams and management engage in open and regular communication with hard-to-reach investors.  We use our best-in-class understanding of, and close relationships with, wealth managers, smaller institutions, boutique asset managers, and regional and industrial pension funds to bring you to their attention. We work with FTSE100 and AIM clients alike and have more than doubled the proportion of these investors on the shareholder register of several of our clients. Our programmes involve a balance of remote and in-person investor meetings, issuer-sponsored research, and thematic seminars. In addition our sister company, Research Tree, is the UK's largest research aggregator.  It serves the full spectrum of investors and helps to further enhance our clients' IR programmes impact with both retail, mid-market and institutional investors.

Services: Corporate access, Investor analytics, Investor targeting and roadshows, IR consultancy, IR for small caps, Perception studies, Share register analysis, Sponsored research

Ian Barbour


+44 20 7082 5501